Sol is sponsored

and supported from:






The Danish Arts Council's Committee of Danish Visual Art




ZKM Institute for Basic Research


Special Thanks to:

Hans H. Diebner for institutional support, Susanne Ackers and Michael Harenberg for fruitful diskussions, Sebastian Fischer and Lasse Scherffig for patient help with technical questions, Andres Burbano for support with the website, Petra Kaiser and Tobias Wootton for translation and Sonja Füsti for help with graphikdesign questions.
Further we want to thank Markus Behsler, Carsten Kraus and Philipp Rosenbeck, Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG Karlsruhe).
For special help in Japan we would like to thank Prof.Numata Hiroshi

J. M. Jensen is supported by an ESA research fellowship.

Mr. Melder and Mr. Scheufens (PNY Technologies)

Sven and Jan Weise (MegaCycle Karlsruhe)